Energy Required for Vacuum Generation

Energy Required

The energy required for vacuum generation increases disproportionately to the attained vacuum. Increasing the vacuum from -600 mbar to -900 mbar, for example, increases the holding force by a factor of 1.5, but the evacuation time and the energy needed to achieve this vacuum value increases by a factor of 3.

This means that only the vacuum required should be generated in the working area to keep the energy expenditure and the operating costs at a minimum.

Common working areas

  • for air-tight surface (e.g. metal, plastics, etc.): -600 to -800 mbar vacuum
  • for porous materials (e.g. cardboard boxes, particle boards, MDF sheets, etc.): -200 to -400 mbar vacuum; in this range the necessary holding force is generated by increasing the suction rate and the suction area


Important: On this website, the holding forces of the suction cups are always specified at an efficient vacuum level of -600 mbar.

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