QB8001 – Schmalz Sack Grippers, Series : PSSG


Gripper for the handling of paper, fabric and plastic bags

⇒ Sack gripper with very low weight for the automated handling of bags

⇒ Handling of paper, plastics and fabric bags

⇒ Handling of porous, bag-like workpieces and handling of bags with a low filling level

⇒ Use for bag handling tasks with industrial robots or cobots

⇒ Reliable handling of bags of different materials and geometries

⇒ Innovative sealing element ensures a longer service life than conventional foam rubber solutions

⇒ Modular design for low weight and easy maintenance of the sealing element

⇒ Direct, easy access to device data via smartphone via NFC interface


Specification (รายละเอียดอุปกรณ์)

Materials NBR, SI
Diameter Size 290 x 215 mm to 405 x 305 mm
Vacuum Generation Integrated or External
Maximum Load 50 to 85 kg